When using your MyRepChat web or mobile app for compliant texting with your clients, your firm may require those clients to grant you consent to be texted. We refer to this as Positive Consent. If your firm has this requirement established on our platform, the first time you attempt to text a client you will see a pop up message requiring you to send your firm-specific positive consent message to that client, and every client, you wish to text.
If the client wishes to text with you, all they need to do is text back the word 'ACCEPT', and only the one word 'Accept' (not case sensitive), and then your texting communications have begun!
If your client wishes to opt out of texting with you, they need only text back the word 'STOP' (again, not case sensitive), and then you will no longer be able to text them.
Should your client have opted out, but later changed their mind, they need only text you the one word 'START' and then you can begin texting with them.
You may want to send this message to a list of people. Please read below for further directions.
Go to Messages --> tap on the pencil icon found in the lower right corner:
Make sure the 'Search DLs' box is checked. You can find this by clicking on the funnel icon next to 'Start a Conversation':
Enter the name of your Distribution List. Tap 'Begin Search'. Then select your Distribution List by tapping on it:
You will be brought to the next screen. In the lower right corner you will see a (thumbs up icon):
Click on the *thumbs up* icon and that will send your positive consent to a distribution list.
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