The Archive Schedule specifies where to send archives, how frequently, when to start, and which layout to use. The schedule will define the periods and will correspond with the audits that are created in the Archive Audit section to verify that your archives are being sent correctly.
Schedule Configuration
Under Group or Account Settings, click the 'Archive' tab. Scroll down to 'Provider' and choose your Archive Provider. A secondary area will appear that allows you to configure your schedule.
Click 'Add Schedule' and enter the:
- The Archive Layout to use.
- How frequently an archive will be sent. By default we will send an archive once a day but it can be sent as frequently as every hour.
- The Start Hour specifies the time of the first period to archive.
- For example, if you choose frequency of 4 hours and a start hour of midnight (00:00), you'll have 6 archive periods in a day with ranges of midnight to 4am, then 4am - 8am, etc.
- Note: Frequency is rolling hours so for a frequency that is not divisible by 24 or on daylight savings time, a period may not being on the 'start hour' specified. That only occurs on the first day the schedule is created.
- State - the state of this schedule. Once a schedule is 'Active' it cannot be changed. This is for audit purposes. If you want to change the schedule, simply 'Delete' or 'Disable' a schedule and create a new one.
- Editable - Allows you to save the schedule (and test) without archives being sent.
- Active - Makes the Schedule Active. Archives of your data will be sent to the corresponding Provider and the schedule is locked in.
- Disabled - Stops sending Archives for this Schedule. If a Schedule is changed from Disabled to Active, it will pick up from the last time the schedule was active.
- Deleted - Deletes a schedule. This stops sending archives on this schedule permanently. Audits can still be viewed but the schedule cannot be changed back to Active.
- Audit Email - an email account to send status of each audit we send. See https://ionlake.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/articles/360022498351-How-do-I-know-all-my-messages-are-being-archived- for more information about the format of the audit email.
An archive is not sent immediately after a period is over. This is so any messages that occur around the time of the 'boundary' are fully processed by MyRepChat. Also we may delay sending if there are a large queue of archives to send. See Archive Audit page for more details on auditing.
Testing your Configuration
Once you've created your schedule, you can test sending sample messages to your provider using the specified layout. This allows you to see how various types of messages are displayed in your provider before you make the schedule active and even before you create any messages of your own on your Account(s). Sending the sample messages will display a message stating if the Archive was successfully sent. Then go to your Archive Provider to see the messages. For a 'Rollup by Contact' layout, you'll get two archives. For 'Rollup by Period' you'll get one. It may take several minutes for your provider to process the incoming archive.
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