You can import your contacts from your CRM by following the instructions below. Before you begin following these instruction, ensure that your CRM is integrated with MyRepChat and signed in.
- In the menu on the left side of your "Dashboard" find and click the "Contacts" tab
- On the top left of the "Contacts" page, click on the "Person Icon"
- In the drop-down menu, click the "Import from CRM" tab
- Insert the name you want to import into the search bar at the top of the page
- Click the blue "Search" button beneath the search bar
- Click the contact to open a contact profile page
- You can edit or add information to the contact profile, select "Save" to save the contact to your MyRepChat account
Repeat these steps to add additional contacts
To ensure that messages will be uploaded back to your CRM, make sure the contacts have your CRM logo next to their names:
1 comment
Everything says to refer to the dashboard. However, I can't locate that.
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