- When logged into your reseller account you will want to click on the the wrench icon and then the group admin section.
- Next you will click on the "+Add Group" button next to the action bar.
- A dialogue box will appear to record the new group's details (List describing each function is at the end of this article).
- Click "Save" when done. The new Group will be added to your list of groups.
What do all these settings do?
Name: (Required) This name appears in the group list, and in the product if no logo is provided.
Administrator: (Optional) The administrator name.
Administrator Email: The email address that receives new account signup requests.
Report Type: (Optional) Set this to the type of report you want generated for the group.
Report Email: (Optional) The email address you want reports sent to.
Approve VCard: (Optional) Enable to have all VCard changes staged until approved by an administrator.
VCard Email: (Optional) The email address to send VCard change notices to.
Group Messaging: (Optional) Enable/disable group messaging feature.
Group Limit: (Optional) Limit the number of contacts in a group (0= no limit).
Account Limit: (Optional) Limit the number of accounts a group can have (0= no limit)
Header Background and Text Colors: (Optional) Define the colors for the banner across the top of the app (web app only).
Logo: (Optional) Provide a png logo that is 250px x 50px to appear in the upper left corner of the product (web app only).
Monthly Account Amount: (Required) This allows you to set the amount charged per user in each group.
Centralized Billing: (Optional) Enable this to have all billing charges sent to a group credit card on file (when enabling this, the signup page with not display a credit card section).
New Account State: (Required) Select from active account, trail account, review, or inactive to be assigned to new accounts.
Positive Consent Message: (Optional) You can write a message of positive consent for the group administrator to use.
Disclosure Link: (Optional) Allows you to enter the link to the groups disclosure agreement.
Mobile App Calculators: (Optional) Disable this to remove calculators function from the MyRepChat mobile app.
Reseller: (Required) Use this to select yourself as the reseller for this group.
Active: (Required) Keep this enabled to create an active group. Disable to inactivate the group.
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